FIRST® CRESCENDOSM Rule Revisions for Robot Rumble
The following changes to the FIRST CRESCENDOSM event procedures and Game play will be in effect for Robot Rumble(last updated 09/21/2024):
- Our capacity is 24 robots. We will fill the event. If you need to cancel, please let us know as early as possible, so a team on the wait list can attend or an attending team will be allowed to compete with a 2nd robot.
- No practice matches. Qualification matches start at 8:30 am. Be ready!
- R103: +5 lb weight allowance (130 lb weight limit).
- R616, R702, R703: Revert to their pre-Championship versions. Robots must use OpenMesh OM5P-AN or -AC radios and connections, not the new VH-109 radios.
- Minimal inspection – focus on safety. Teams must be able to demonstrate compliance with all rules if requested.
- 6.5 Scoring: Scoring will follow the Regional rules. 18 AMP & SPEAKER NOTES (15 if Coopertition Bonus) for the MELODY Ranking Point.
- 6.5.4 SPOTLIGHTING: During the last 20 seconds of the match, human players may throw the three pre-staged high notes, as well as any notes scored in their alliance’s amp during the match. High notes are no longer specifically noted with white tape.
Rationale: Spotlighting is fun, and having more than three chances to do it is fun!
- 8) 5.5 STAGE: The tape delineating the STAGE ZONE will be moved to the inside of the STAGE legs.
G422 PODIUM protection applies throughout the match.
Rationale: Reduce potential for unintentional and inconsequential violations of G424.
- If fewer than 24 teams are available for playoffs, we will form as many 3-team alliances as possible and play a double-elimination bracket appropriate for that number.
Any remaining teams become backup teams, or may join an existing alliance as a 4th team:
- Interested remaining teams (1 or 2) are put in a hat along with blanks to match the number of alliances interested in having a 4th robot.
- Interested alliances draw from the hat in 1 → 8 order.
- Alliances with 4 robots must play all 4 robots at least once during their first two matches.
- 11.7.1 Alliance selection: Standard FRC rules (1 → 8) for first pick. Second pick is random draw, in 8 → 1 order.
- 11.7.2 Playoff Match Bracket: Breaks between rounds and matches will be reduced or eliminated. The start time of a MATCH will be at least 10 minutes from the end of either
ALLIANCE’S previous MATCH, unless all teams are ready sooner.
Rationale: Rumble is a single day off-season competition. Time is very limited for both the playoff tournament and the qualification matches that precede it.
While this change does remove some time between playoff matches for teams to do repairs, it is our intent to strike a balance between providing that repair time
and giving all teams as many qualification matches as is practical.
- 11.7.4 Lineups: Each Playoff Alliance may submit a Lineup, which must be submitted to the Head Referee at least 10 minutes prior to the start of Playoff Match 1.
Lineups (submitted or default) will remain fixed throughout Playoffs. Lineups for backup robots or 4-team alliances should minimize match-to-match changes and must be approved by the FTA and Head Referee.
- If a BACKUP robot is needed during playoffs, one of the following will be assigned based on availability:
- A team not selected during alliance selection
- A second-round selection from an eliminated alliance, or
- A second Robot brought to the event by a team, (and not already in use by another team)
- Teams or robots leaving the venue before the event ends are not eligible for any matches or awards that occur after their departure.
Sources reviewed for rule change ideas:
Chezy Champs:
Rah Cha Cha Ruckus:
Battle Cry @ WPI:
Texas Robotics Invitational:
Beach Blitz:
Indiana Robotics Invitational: