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Join our growing family of business supporters! By sponsoring this event, you are aligning your company with a truly important program that creates energy and excitement in math and science for young people and influences them to choose a career that will allow them to contribute to our nation's future of invention and innovation. You also gain visibility at the regional event attended by thousands from our local community and the surrounding region. Please consider taking advantage of this amazing opportunity to be part of a FIRST® event!

Region Lead

The Innovation Partnership between Albany County and MVP Health Care is focused on one mission: leveraging the power of collaboration and innovation to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Region Leader in Technology

Region Captain of Innovation

Region Robot Booster
Jim Cummins, IT Consultant
Nancy Casler, Design & Marketing

To learn more about becoming a New York Tech Valley Regional Robotics Competition sponsor, please contact:

Janice Martino
Regional Director, FIRST®
P: 606.666.3906 x808
E: jmartino@firstinspires.org


NY Tech Valley Region
© Copyright 2014-2025 US FIRST® and FIRST® New York Tech Valley | Web Design by Nancy Casler | Web Hosting & Programming courtesy of Jim Cummins